
Upcoming Char Are Characters That Will Be Made Or Cancelled.

❌ = Cancelled Character

⁉ = Cancelled Character but Might Get a Restoration In The Future

‼ = Close To Being Cancelled

✨ = Hyped To Make

❔ = Delayed Until Further Notice

🚫 = Not Being Released Publicly Until I Feel Like It

✖ = Completely Private Character

⚠ = Might Contain Offensive Content

🩸 = May Have Some Violent/Blood Related Things 

Yellow (A DickFigures Oc.) (❔) (🩸)
Yellow (A DickFigures Oc.) (❔) (🩸)
Scratch Cat (Delayed Until Further Notice) (❔)
Scratch Cat (Delayed Until Further Notice) (❔)
Commander Video (BitTripRunner?) (❔)
Commander Video (BitTripRunner?) (❔)
Riggy (✨)
Riggy (✨)
Elli (After Pocoyo) (✨)
Elli (After Pocoyo) (✨)
Weegee (⚠)
Weegee (⚠)
Chefpeepee (⚠)
Chefpeepee (⚠)
Chaos-Daniel (Originally By ERRORDownbad) (⚠)
Chaos-Daniel (Originally By ERRORDownbad) (⚠)
Weird Al (✨)
Weird Al (✨)
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